Tuesday, May 18, 2010

First Day of Classes =/

Hey guys!

First of all I'd like to say I knew this day would have to unfortunately come and I would be required to go to class, and unluckily for me I have 8 am's this week but I can't sleep anyway yet so it really doesn't make too much of a difference.  My first class for the day was Entrepreneurial Strategy which was pretty interesting to say the least.  Apparently we will be exploring the way entrepreneurs think and react to different situations along with what makes an idea an idea and opportunity an opportunity to get the basic concepts of the class.  I'm pretty excited for this because I have always wanted to own my own business one day and this is finally a step in the right direction of actually learning how to do this concept wise.  After my extreme profits from my lemonade stands as a kid I can't say I'm not confident in my abilities haha.  The class after Entrepreneurship is International Business Environment.  My teacher is Russian so it's a little difficult to understand his accent at times but I like him just the same, especially because we don't have any final exams!  We will however be working on a lot of projects, including the individual paper I have to hand in next Wednesday on the importance of globalization and whether it is good or bad for the U.S. economy.  I might get started on it tonight so I can enjoy this upcoming travel weekend in which I'm going to try to go to Florence since this week isn't a long weekend due to orientation yesterday.
After class today I had lunch in the usual cafeteria.  I swear they are trying to kill us with carbs, I've been served nothing but bread and pasta and the occasional vegetable for both lunch and dinner so this weekend I think I'm going to treat myself to some seafood.  I learned today that more pasta is consumed in Italy than any other place in the world, I'm not surprised to say the least.  The question is then how the heck do they keep all this weight off!  But that's for another debate.  After lunch I signed up to go to the mall at a local town which is called Castelfranco.  I took a few pictures because it is definitely not the same as a mall in the United States.  The biggest store in the mall was an Italian version of a super Wal-Mart which was called Iper, they had everything a super Wal-Mart would have including a much needed hair dryer!  Other than that I picked up a lovely present for my sister and for her birthday as well but I'm not posting the picture on here considering she's following this.  Below I'm gunna post some photos from the mall and then do homework! Ciao for now!

Esta (Purdue), Carolina (UGA), Maggie (Alabama) waiting for the bus to the mall!

This would be Iper the "Wal-Mart"

Rock art at the mall

They had a casino in the mall!

Outside part of the mall

More outside the mall view of the mountain and such

Even Italian children love Looney Tunes =P

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