Friday, May 28, 2010


So Yesterday I landed in Frankfurt, Germany my destination for this weekend.  While reading up on Frankfurt I discovered two important facts that I'd like to share with you that might explain a little bit about the pictures to come.  1. Frankfurt was completely demolished to the ground during World War II, but unlike some of Germany's other cities it chose to modernize rather than rebuild its history, however it does have a historic area which I should be visiting tomorrow. 2. Frankfurt is known as Little-Manhattan due to it's being Europe's most artistic and fashion forward center, it also has an area which I have pictures of that is like the shopping center which was insane!  Anyway today was really cool and I saw a lot of really neat things.  I actually really like Germany because I feel like it has more of a gothic feel rather than a Renaissance feel like Italy does and for whatever reason I really like the contrast, also I'm sick of Italian food so this was a nice break =)  I actually even ate McDonalds today because I really wanted American stuff hahaha then I finished today off with O'Reilly's irish pub! No worries I had bratwurst too at some point so I think I covered all my bases. Anyway PICTURES! Enjoy!

This is Frankfurt!!!

Mountain peaks coming through the clouds from the Plane isn't it Gorgeous!

I feel like this optimizes Frankfurt, you have the business sector on the left and the old school feel on the right


 welcome to Frankfurt! (Little Manhattan)

 i'm in Frankfurt,.... concrete jungle where dreams are made of!!! lmao

 Frankfurt Opera House!

 this is so diff than Italian sculptures

i have no idea what this is possibly the consulate

 i found a farmers market SWEET!

 yayyy bratwurst!

 i just thought this was so cool to stumble upon

 there it is ladies and gents my brat!

 this would be the Little Manhattan section!

 inside the mall soooo awesome!

 german traveling ducks hahaha!

 some awesome church

 sunset baby that is the historic Frankfurt across the river!

 more river Frankfurt photos!

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